How to Add a Collaborator on Instagram

How to Add a Collaborator on Instagram? 2024 Ultimate Guide

Who is a collaborator on Instagram? What things to keep in mind before adding collaborators on Instagram? You may have several questions in mind. Also, I know you are here to find out how to add a Collaborator on Instagram.

In this blog, I will share a few great ways to add a collaborator to the Instagram app. Also, you will learn the reason why it is necessary to do Instagram Collaboration Posts.

Who is a Collaborator on Instagram?

In simple words, a collaborator on the Instagram platform is a user who shares Instagram assets with other users. When two users of Instagram start collaborating, they can see their username appear in the collaboration post. Their only goal is co-promotion and product/brand promotions.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Adding Collaborators on Instagram

If you are adding collaborators on this social media platform for the first time, here are the things to remember:

  • You can add collaborators on Instagram only if your account is “Professional”.
  • An Instagram user must be eligible for the Paid Partnership Label.
  • No collaborator or creator can block or restrict each other on Instagram.
  • If they don’t follow Instagram’s Branded Content Policy and Community Guidelines, they can remove posts without restriction and can take action against the Creator and the Collaborator.
  • Always remember that the original creator is the owner of the Instagram post.

How to Add a Collaborator on Instagram? Best Methods

I have shared a few excellent ways to add a collaborator on Instagram. Select the method of your choice and share all these methods with those who use Instagram daily.

Method 1: Edit Instagram Post

  • The first step is to select the Instagram post of your choice to add the collaborator.
  • Click on the three dots of the post and then click on the Edit option.
  • Next is to click on the “Edit paid partnership label” option.
  • Now, turn on the toggle and click on the Add brand partner.
  • After this, search for the brand partner.

Method 2: Request Direct Approval From The Collaborator

  • The first step is to click on the “Professional Dashboard”.
  • Click on the Branded Content>Request approval from brand partners.
  • Go to the search box and type the collaborator’s name.
  • Now, click on the Request>Send Request.

Method 3: Ask The Collaborator To Repost On Their Feed

  • Select the Instagram post that you want to share with your collaborator.
  • Tap on the share arrow.
  • You can either DM the post directly on Instagram or share it on other social media platforms through Instagram.
  • After receiving the link from your side, collaborators can use a third-party app to repost through their Instagram profile.

Method 4: Tag The Collaborator In The Post

  • The first is to select any post on Instagram.
  • Click on the Three dots>Edit.
  • Now, click on the Tag People>” +” icon.
  • The next step is to go to the search box and write the name of the collaborator.
  • You can select the collaborator from the list.
  • After adding the collaborator, click on the Tag Another Person if you want to add more collaborators.
  • The final step is to click on “Done”.

Read More: How To Earn Money From Instagram Reels?

Reasons Why Instagram Collaboration Posts Are Necessary

Have you launched your brand recently? Do you know the benefits of Instagram collaboration posts for your brand? See the jotted points given below-

A recently launched brand should first connect to the Instagram platform because it lets you gain more attention from your audience. In the beginning, you might get 50-100 people in the feed, but the audience reach can double or more very soon.

Lots of B2B businesses do not spend much time connecting with their audience on Instagram. Therefore, they collaborate with micro-influencers to align with their voice and vision. Micro-influencers also have a more engaged audience, so this can create a great brand image and amplify their message on Instagram.

How difficult is it to gain followers on Instagram? Instagram Collaboration can make it easy! All you need to do is collaborate with the micro-influencers because they have engaged an audience (with followers of 10k). It is a walk in the park for micro-influencers to spread the brand’s name and message. So, there is a higher chance of increasing followers on the Instagram platform.

Also Read: How To Viral Reels On Instagram?

Concluding Remarks

Earlier, it was a daedalian task for Instagram users to add a collaborator easily. I hope this blog solved your problem as I have shared how to add a Collaborator on Instagram with four ultimate methods. It is all up to you which one to select. Besides adding collaborators on this social media platform, you also got to know why Instagram Collaboration Posts are important and what things to remember before adding collaborators on Instagram. Moreover, you can grow your brand at an astonishing speed by consulting with WOOST. We provide top-tier marketing services, such as affiliate marketing, ROI-based influencer marketing, content marketing, SMS marketing, etc.

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